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And the home of what-a-waste.com
Social document, educational tool, or artist’s book?
The Waste Not/What Not Catalog fits into many categories. This spoof on the ubiquitous mail order catalog is the culmination of Gaza's four months as Artist-in-Residence at the San Francisco Dump.
Gaza has created other artist books: Red Shoe Reader and The Secret Game.
In 1997 Gaza began work on BIBLIOTHECA MEMORIA, a life size library built from salvaged metals and assorted detritus. First viewed in September 1999 at Couturier Gallery, Los Angeles, the work has been installed at four other venues: Eloise Pickard Smith Gallery, University of California Santa Cruz; Special Collections, McHenry Library, University of California Santa Cruz; Institute of Contemporary Art, San Jose, California; and JFK University Arts Annex, Berkeley in connection with Women's Environmental Artist Symposium 2001.
In 1994, supported by a National Endowment for the Arts fellowship, Gaza built a body of work from found and salvaged materials focusing on personal memory and identity. This was first shown at Couturier Gallery, Los Angeles, California in 1996.
From 1986 to 1992 Gaza used the cultural symbolism of the shoe as a platform from which to lampoon both fashion and issues of feminism, sexuality and greed. Using materials and craftsmanship reflective of manufactured shoes she created humorous, but biting social commentary. Many of these pieces were shown in her “Shoe Show” at Couturier Gallery, Los Angeles in 1992.
Beginning in an intensive four month class with the master shoemaker from Colonial Williamsburg in 1976, Gaza spent a decade exploring functional shoemaking from an artist’s perspective. Her one-of-kind shoes, boots and sandals were included in the major wearable art shows of the 1970’s and 80’s. She has been teaching shoemaking since 1983.